We implement the latest geological exploration techniques to analyse a wide range of orebody formations within your budgetary constraints. Our expert geologists ensure consistent geological and geochemical interpretations using cutting edge technologies like remote sensing, hyperspectral logging, data management, and machine learning. We also have extensive experience in software like Datamine, Leapfrog, Deswik, etc., for advanced 3D visualisation and geological modelling.
All our exploratory programs strictly adhere to governmental regulations & recommendations, health & safety guidelines, as well as best practices like CIM and JORC.
Here are some of our key practices:
We at QL Resources are a multidisciplinary team of geologists having world-class, diverse experience in all aspects of minerals exploration, starting from reconnaissance, to the detailed exploration stages. We use widely accepted exploration tools such as geospatial (remote sensing and GIS), geophysical, geochemical, and geological mapping methods as required throughout the various mineral exploration stages. Our exploration services cover target generation, structural mapping, exploration strategy & project management, as well as geological & geotechnical logging. It also includes all post drilling activities as per JORC and other internationally recognised codes.
The clear, concise, and readily accessible data that we derive empowers you to make as well as review real-time decisions in the nick of time. This allows for maximum impact, with minimal disruptions. Our team of data scientists provide data validation, integration, management, and presentation services for a wide range of geological projects.
Our considerable experience and understanding of geostatistics empower us to accurately describe and classify mineral resources, as well as quantify mining selectivity.
We have worked around the globe over a wide range of mineral deposit types and commodities, taking your mineral resource classification as well as mining selectivity quantification to the next level.
Using conditional simulations, we help you understand the underlying variability and related uncertainties of your resource deposits. We use real-time data sets to create mineral resource models that illustrate the range of local and global uncertainties in a deposit’s grades.
We identify ore deposit controls for near-mine & pit exploration targeting, as well as to characterise & analyse geological disturbances & structures. This gives you a deep understanding of mine stability and underground water in-flow problems, as well as define structural geometries in geotechnical studies of large open-pit operations.
We have a wide knowledge base in identifying and analysing all technical and non-technical issues that arise in your projects, enabling us to define mitigation measures to bring all potential risks to acceptable levels.
All our practices strictly conform to the JORC code, and we ensure that all reporting of minerals exploration results, mineral resources and ore reserves meet desired standards.
Resource recovery analysis is an important part of post blasting activities. Like for example, blast profile evaluation, which is an essential check while stoping. Cavity Monitoring Survey (CMS) is among the techniques we extensively use for this analysis. Here, the blast profile is monitored after a particular blast interval. Based on this information, drilling & blasting engineers can optimise the blast hole’s depth, as well as charging length. Analysis of planned vs actual blasting limits provides detailed information on ore loss/gain. In all, this procedure leads to effective mining, as well as significant metal recovery.